

  1. What is Vagrant?

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    Tool for building and managing virtual machine environments (in a single workflow).
  2. Why would you use Vagrant instead of creating testbed directly in VirtualBox?

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    Reproducibility and portability.


  1. What is Ansible?

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    Ansible is open source software that automates software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment.
    Ansible usually connects via SSH.
  2. Does Ansible support encryption of configuration files? If yes, how?

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    Yes, through Ansible vault (symmetric encryption).
  3. How is Ansible code structured?

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    Into playbooks, tasks, roles and inventory list + others, this is the basic stuff.
  4. What is Ansible playbook?

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    Playbooks are YAML files that express configurations, deployment, and orchestration in Ansible.
    They allow Ansible to perform operations on managed nodes. Each Playbook maps a group of hosts
    to a set of roles. Each role is represented by calls to Ansible tasks.
  5. What is Inventory (in Ansible)?

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    The Inventory is a description of the nodes that can be accessed by Ansible.
    By default, the Inventory is described by a configuration file, in INI or YAML format.


  1. What is Puppet? What is Puppet Kick?
  2. Can you describe differences between Puppet and Ansible?
  3. What is a module and how is it different from a manifest? What is Facter?
  4. Describe the most significant gain from automating a process through Puppet?

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